Continuously improving

Learn how Donna sustains change.

Continuous Improvement (CI) is a management system that aims to make changes and improvements so that employees who are on the front line in dealing with customers or agency owners feel empowered to make decisions and improve the business. Change agents physically go to each office to assess the health of that particular location and make changes based on need.

But what happens after the CI assessment rolls through an office? That is where the sustainability coach, like Donna, comes in to help and encourage them to be successful, by letting them know where they are at and where they need to be.

“We’ve got great leaders here at Allstate, and CI helps them go even further. Instead of putting a Band-Aid on a problem or rushing into a solution, we help them try to get to the root cause. It’s natural for people to think they know the answer to a problem, only to find themselves faced with a similar issue six months later. CI says, ‘let’s take a minute and get to the root cause, because we’re not solving the right thing,’” -Donna, Sustainability Coach

Continuous improvement is an ongoing strategy to ensure Allstate is delivering the best service. Learn how you can be a part of a team that constantly uses their problem solving skills.