Jennifer is an Unlicensed Customer Service Representative in our Customer Contact Center in Chubbuck, Idaho.

Q: When did you join Allstate?

A: I joined Allstate in 2017 as an Unlicensed Customer Service Representative. My two-year anniversary is coming up soon. Coming from a telecommunications company, the insurance industry is a very fast-paced environment. It feels like it was just a few months ago that I joined Allstate.

Q: What do you do in your current role?

A: As an Unlicensed Customer Service Representative, I’m responsible for handling customer inquiries, resolving concerns/documenting customer requests, and completing changes to policies which do not require a license. In other words, when a customer calls 1-800-ALLSTATE, the call comes to my team and I am the person who connects with customers by saying “Thank you for calling Allstate, this is Jennifer. May I ask who I have the pleasure of speaking with today?”

Q: What work are you most proud of?

A: My passion is taking care of customers and I’m proud of letting customers know they are in good hands. It’s fulfilling being able to help with customers’ concerns whether it’s why their bill is a certain amount to what happens if they don’t have their new insurance card.

Q: What values area important to you at a job? How do you experience them here?

A: A big thing is work-life balance. Allstate really tries to make sure employees are taken care of at work and outside of work through wellness programs to help them live a good life and pursue their personal purpose.

Q: What qualities make a person successful here?

A: Having a positive attitude, being motivated to go above and beyond in everything you do, and putting yourself in the customer’s shoes.

Q: Any advice for someone who is considering working at Allstate?

If you’re looking for a temporary job, this isn’t it. This is a life-long career with endless possibilities. I plan on retiring from Allstate.

Q: Outside of work you can be found?

A: In Idaho, winters can be rough, so I do a lot of cooking with friends and family. During the summer, you can find me on my boat fishing or working on my garden. Throughout the year, I enjoy volunteering at the local senior citizen center with my husband (who’s also an Allstater). Together this year, we volunteered over 16 hours and the center received a $1,000 Helping Hands grant.

Fun fact: I lived on a dairy farm until I was 18 and went off to college. Till this day, I still can’t drink grocery store milk because it doesn’t taste the same as fresh cow milk.

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