Global Learning Week at Allstate

This week is Global Learning Week at Allstate! While we may be working from home, Global Learning Week is an exciting opportunity for all Allstaters to learn new skills and grow personally and professionally. This year’s Global Learning Week is called Talent Elevated, and is focused on supporting Allstaters in their own growth and development.

As a member of Allstate’s Enterprise Learning and Development team, Malinda and her team have been hard at work planning this week’s different events.

“My team has been working hard to plan events around skills and leaders of the future, so Global Learning Week is focused on providing employees with opportunities and resources to support them where they are in their career right now and where they would like to be in the future,” Malinda shared.

“One key takeaway for this year’s Global Learning Week is to ensure the tools and resources help employees meet their own personal goals and bring their whole selves to work. Last year was really focused on learning about the future of the insurance industry. This year is focused on how we can best support our employees.”

Global Learning Week will wrap up with a Commitment Day. The full week of learning will encourage Allstaters to explore what skills they’d like to further develop, and on the last day employees can commit to one area they would like to focus on. Whatever employees choose, they will receive customized learning and development plans from the Enterprise Learning and Development team to continue on their journey.

“My favorite parts about the week are definitely the culmination to Commitment Day for Allstaters, and the fact that the entire Global Learning Week will be recorded and available to employees at any time. We know there is so much going on right now, and we really want all Allstaters to be able to access the great speakers and presentations at their convenience,” Malinda explained.

“Talent Elevated is going to be a great week!  One of the things I love most about Allstate is from the moment I joined the team, the people were always referred to as ‘talent’ and not ‘resources.’ I think that this really speaks to how much Allstate cares about our employees’ development, and we can’t wait for that to come through during Global Learning Week.”